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  Un-hide Your Light.
Upgrade Your Life.  

 Daily Rituals, Coaching & Spiritual Community 
 A One-Year Guided Journey Of Breakthroughs
In Every Area Of Your Life 

  Un-hide Your Light.
Upgrade Your Life.  

 Daily Rituals, Coaching & Spiritual Community 
 A One-Year Guided Journey Of Breakthroughs
In Every Area Of Your Life 

Deep down, you’ve always known you were destined for greatness.
But for some reason, you haven’t started to live the Big Life you were born to live… yet.

You might be starting to wonder whether you’ll ever be able to fulfill your biggest potentials or your biggest dreams.

Maybe you have a ‘Groundhog’s Day’ habit of excitedly starting projects and then losing steam before you can get traction…

Hiding your light and holding yourself back from your own dreams and goals,

Spiraling into self-sabotage…

On a loop. Every year.

It’s not a good look. And it feels even worse.

Maybe Perpetual Someday Syndrome is even starting to feel like a vicious cycle of:
  • Procrastination
  • Self-sabotage
  • Playing small, and
  • Dwindling self-respect…
… as you tolerate a life that you know, deep down,  is not aligned with your True, Sacred Self.

If this resonates with you, I promise you two things:

You are not alone.

And you are not fundamentally flawed.

I need you to be very honest with yourself: If you answer ‘yes’ to the questions below, you are in the perfect place at the perfect time to get off this struggle bus and step into your Superbloom Season:
  • Is fear, self-doubt or lack of focus stopping you from going all in on your lifelong dreams and goals?
  • Do you feel pulled in a million different directions — so life gets in the way every time you make an effort to do your dreams?
  • Do you feel stuck in your patterns of self-sabotage, negative thinking, scarcity and and lack of focus on your own soul-level callings?
  • Do you sometimes feel frustrated and unclear on your own purpose, like you’re not even sure who your True Self really is?
  • Do you know you have untapped potential inside, but you also have a habit of holding yourself back?
  • Does it resonate when I tell you that deep in your mindset you may have some hidden programming bugs that are causing you to doubt yourself, de-value your dreams and sabotage your own best life… without even being aware you’re doing it?
  • Are you sick of living a shadow life: seeming smart and successful on the outside, while you know you’re not living in alignment with the things that REALLY matter to you? 
If you answered ‘yes’, I’ve got good news and I’ve got even better news.

The good news is that THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH YOU. You don’t have a procrastination problem, a perfectionism problem, a self-discipline problem or a time management problem.

In fact, there are only 3 reasons you — Brilliant You — have not yet figured out how to live the life you were born to live:
  1. The goals you’re trying to reach are not in alignment with your True Self. 
  2. The way you’re trying to reach them is not in alignment with your True Self, or
  3. (and this is a big one) Every time you get a little traction on your dreams and life goals, you hit your Upper Limits, spiral down into shame and self-sabotage and it takes months or years to raise your energy level and raise your vibration. 
ALL of these issues are alignment issues.

And all alignment issues are rooted in a single complex within your thoughts, stories and beliefs.

I call this complex your Core Trance and whether you know it or not, it’s been placing an electric fence around your happiness, your income and your life — you can’t see it, but every time you step outside your comfort zone to be your Big Self, the struggle switch flips on.

Your Core Trance has been keeping your life and your businessl way smaller than you want them to be.

In my family, we have a super-profound, spiritual saying: “If you keep doing what you’ve been doing, you’re going to keep getting what you’ve been getting.”

In other words, if you want to stop hiding your light and holding yourself back, you’ve got to DSD: Do. Something. Different.

And most coaches will have you jump in and start doing that from Day One: Setting new goals. Taking action.

But because humans LOVE homeostasis…

And because trauma and unhealed childhood wounds cause your nervous system to get triggered when you feel exposed, vulnerable or outside of your comfort zone…

And because your thoughts create your emotions, which create your actions…

And because your Core Trance — your learned thought habits of fear, scarcity, unworthiness and trauma — has created an Inner Critic who will fight to keep you small and feeling safe…

If you try to take action on your lifelong dreams and goals WITHOUT FIRST healing your nervous system, your thought habits, and your beliefs about who you really are and why you’re really here… here’s what happens: SHTF — the actual shit hits the actual fan.

Action - (Deactivating Fear + Reactivating Your True Self) = SHTF (shit hits the fan).
Inner Resistance sparks. Your Inner Critic pipes up. Self-sabotage results.

It feels like a struggle switch has flipped on.

You hit your Upper Limits — that’s what Gay Hendricks calls the inner thermostat you have that puts a limit on how good you can let your life get before you start sabotaging your own dreams and goals.

Feel familiar?

I want you to catch this principle:
Before you can really DSD (Do Something Different) you must first TSD (Think Something Different) and BSD (BE Someone Different).

Fortunately, that “someone” is your True Sacred Self.

This is very good news.

But I’ve got even better news.
Over the last 25 years, I’ve created the only trauma-informed, spiritually-correct, non-bypassing, radically liberating Mastery Method proven to:
  •  Wake you up from your core, fear-based thought habits
  • Recalibrate your nervous system
  • Clear your limiting beliefs and instill an empowered, new inner landscape
  • Upgrade to a self-valuing way of being
  • Re-discover your True Self 
  • Unlock your Purpose and everything you need to fulfill it
  • Receive a technicolor, new vision of the life you were born to live
  • Fall in love with THAT future
  • Create and manifest the whole life that is congruent with your True, Sacred Self. 
Now, you can learn my Method and master your own life, self, money… and even your business — with my coaching and support in my Life, Self & Money Mastery Program..

After just 30 days in my Life, Self and Money Mastery program:
  • 92% of my students said their clarity increased
  • 86% said their joy increased
  • 71% said confidence increased 
  • 72% said they are taking more action their dreams and ideas… and
  • 100% said LSM helped them create a more consistent morning ritual and do self-care activities more frequently.
But here’s what I’m most proud of:
92% of my Members say their self-worth and self-love increased
after just 30 days practicing the Tara Kirke Method.
What would be possible for you if you could clear your negative thoughts and live out your lifelong dreams?

How would that make you feel?

And finally… are you really ready for things to be different?

If so, I’ve created Life, Self & Money Mastery just for you.

I created LSM to show you how to start living your unlived life with way less struggle, hustle and PERFORMING... so you can learn to do way more receiving.

In LSM, the self-care habits you’ve always wanted will feel like non-negotiable gifts that are fun and easy to give yourself every damn day.

As we journey through this year of breakthroughs, a beautiful path to your lifelong dreams and your sacred purpose will light up before you, step by step.

Very soon, you’ll stop feeling scattered and dreading the day ahead.

You will no longer feel like you’re your own worst enemy.

Instead, you’ll reclaim your sovereignty over your own inner world. You will begin to feel like own best friend.

If you’d like my guidance and coaching, I invite you to join me in Life, Self & Money Mastery.

Make no mistake — my mission is for your next chapter to be your best chapter.

Head up + heart out
Daily Rituals, Coaching & Spiritual Community

A One-Year Guided Journey Into The Life You Were Born To Live

The Life, Self & Money Mastery program is one year of Daily Rituals, Live Group Coaching, and Breakthrough Life Curriculums on how to live a masterful life, guided by SoulTour CEO Tara-Nicholle Kirke, MA, Esq.

There’s a magical life you’ve always known is possible for you: a life of radical health, happiness, success and abundance beyond your wildest dreams.

Life, Self & Money Mastery is a sacred space and integrated personal and spiritual roadmap proven to help you un-hide your light, tap back into your natural powers and use them to live the life you were born to live
How LSM works
 For one year, me and my team of Master Coaches will guide you to heal your beliefs, instill our powerful Daily Ritual, upgrade your ways of being and practice the Three Steps of the Tara Kirke Method in every area of your life: 
1. Recalibrate

Heal your nervous system, wake up from your fear-based “trances”, dissolve your money blocks and break out of your self-sabotage patterns.
In this stage, you put yourself back in the driver’s seat of your life.

2. Actualize

You cannot actualize a True Self you don’t even know. In this stage, you’ll learn who you really are and why you’re really here through my Signature Self-Discovery System — The Empire Codes.

This is also where you’ll a delicious, new vision for your life will drop into your awareness — a vision, intention and goals that are radically congruent with your True Self.

3. Align

Together, we’ll start taking inspired action to create unprecedented new levels of health, wealth, wisdom, and success in your life — without getting blocked and stuck.

This is where community and support are essential, because old Resistance and fears will come up as you fully heal from your old programming and shed your old limitations.

You will see tangible upgrades in your life, and so will the people around you. Soon they’ll start asking you what you’re doing differently.
Even sooner, they’ll be thinking: “I’ll have what she’s having!”
 Are You Ready To Spark Your Superbloom Season?
What Happens After
 When you value yourself and your dreams by investing in LSM, you spark a butterfly effect of breakthroughs in every area of your life.

LSM Members have:  

Moved to new countries... 
Fallen in love... 
Healed their finances and bought their dream homes... 
Written books, started blogs and podcasts and directed plays... 
Started new businesses and built beautiful brands... 
Quit jobs they hate
Gotten massive raises (without even trying)...
Manifested dream jobs (without even APPLYING)...
Created tranquil, stress-free lives...
Transformed their relationships with their parents, mates and children...
Healed generational curses... 
Healed autoimmune conditions...
Lost weight and gotten strong...
  Radical health. Aligned wealth. Love life off the charts.

Turning your thoughts into things without getting blocked or stuck, and without life getting in the way.

Don’t take my word for it — here’s what LSM Members say they got from being in the program:  

Life, Self & Money Mastery — Member Success Stories
I got a job offer that agreed to what I needed (which was to wait until after the new year to start) and then they called me back and gave me a raise that I didn't even ask for!

The morning practice has helped me become calm inside. I was very good at faking it on the outside but now I am calm inside and out. Things have happened that were nerve-wracking but my nerves were calm and my joy remains on HIGH!!!

The Daily Declarations have literally changed my world and my inner dialogue.

I seem to be growing internally faster than I knew possible. I am very different and I have been told this by my close family and friends. People are constantly commenting on it and thanking me for just being me.

The words that come out of my mouth are so uplifting to others. Life is flowing! I got a job offer that agreed to what I needed (which was to wait until after the new year to start) and then they called me back and gave me a raise that I didn't even ask for! 

- Sheila Roby
I am learning  how to do life.

I am developing consistent practices and those practices are helping me to create the life I want. I am getting clarity on what it is that I want.

My daily thinking patterns are changing from seeing the world through a very negative scope to being positive and learning to cope with things that show up as disappointments.

I am learning how to do life.

- Santosha Padfield
So much in my life has changed recently because of my own change in attitude and outlook due to Life + Self Mastery.

People keep telling me how much I've changed over the last few months, and it's true. I used to plan everything. I would never have contemplated doing something like moving to Spain without having my future mapped out in minute detail.

But once I enrolled in Life + Self Mastery, I started to change. And yesterday, I made the move!

Previously, that would have been a source of worry. But now I can just take things as they come, and trust that everything is always working out for me.

So much in my life has changed, all because of my own change in attitude and outlook. That's down to Tara, and the Life + Self Mastery Program.

- Julia Graves
Personally, I have been having more fun and professionally, I am finishing projects I put on the back burner a while ago.

Life + Self Mastery is a comprehensive, self-care program where we learn to release limiting beliefs, rediscover yourself and walk in purpose.

I love this, especially the joy I feel for me. So happy this space was created for us. 🤗  

- Dequiana Jackson
Life + Self Mastery has been a great blessing to me...

For me it has been the right program at the right time. Certain lessons arrive just when I’m dealing with a directly applicable issue. I see the replay answering my class question right when I’m dealing with the issue I asked about.

This is my 3rd online personal development class and is by far the most content rich — like it’s not even close.

What I love most is the daily reiteration of hope, of possibility, of positivity. We reframe things through a positive and hopeful lens.

I recommend Life and Self Mastery for anyone who needs help reframing, refocusing negative thinking, limiting beliefs, any type of scarcity stories that you need to rework and upgrade.

- Olivia Bethea
Recalibration is The Foundation for Transformation. The first 90 Days of LSM are a gentle, healing protocol and Recalibration Sequence we call RECLAIM.

Over the 12 weeks of RECLAIM, you’ll get daily guidance to build a soothing Daily Ritual, heal your nervous system, and reprogram your mindset for positive change.

Over 90 days of bite-sized lessons and guided Daily Rituals, you’ll put yourself back in the driver’s seat of your life.

Sovereignty… is delicious.
Here’s how the first 90 Days unfolds:

Week Zero:
Set, Setting & Shedding — Sovereignty Status Check Diagnostic

Week One: New Paradigm Time — The Great Recalibration and The Tara Kirke Method

Week Two: Heal Your Nervous System — The Daily Ritual Starter Kit

Week Three: Heal Your Thought-Belief-Action Circuit —  Wake Up From Your Core Trance.

Week Four: Clear Your Limiting Beliefs and Negative Thoughts

Week Five: Instill a New, Empowered Belief System — Negativity Detox

Week Six: Discover Your Human Design — Meet Your True, Sacred Self

Week Seven: Upgrade Your ‘Attractor Patterns’ — Calibrate Your G-Center

Week Eight: Fall In Love With Your Future — Guided Envisioning

Week Nine: Radically Fruitful — A Ritual Stacking Toolkit to Reclaim Your Time, Money & Energy and Spend More of Your Life in your Zone of Genius

Week Ten: The Seven Faces of Sovereignty

Week Eleven: Initiation to Mastery — The Sacred Mastery Codes

Week Twelve: Rest, Integration & The Mastery Keys
After this deep, gentle onramp, you’ll move into a Core Curriculum where I’ll teach you the Foundations of Life, Self & Money Mastery in a series of 12 Mastery Modules.

You’ll learn the Tara Kirke Method, the Laws of the Universe and my proprietary toolkit from neurobiology, Jungian psychology, Human Design and my real-world experience!

As we learn, I’ll be guiding you through a roadmap proven to Recalibrate, Actualize and Align every area of your life to the Big Things that are in your destiny.

Each quarter, we focus on a different area of your life, systematically implementing the Three Steps of The Tara Kirke Method to get results and make progress in your physical health, your financial wealth, your love life, self-love and relationships and your skills of creating and manifesting whatever you want in life.

The LSM LIVE Group Coaching Sessions, Momentum Mondays, State of the Soul Sermons, Daily Rituals, Guest Experts and Challenges all align to the theme of the Academy we’re in at that time.

This creates a high-vibe collective effervescence and MOVEMENT as the entire Community of Life, Self & MONEY Mastery™ Members and Coaches focuses on the same area and insights during each Academy.

Bonuses Included When You Join Today
Bonus #1: Momentum Mondays — Weekly Zoom Group Coaching Calls and Guided 12 Week Action Sprints on Your Goals, with Master Accountability Coach (and Tara’s Business Bestie) Kysha Mitchell
Bonus #2: The Parts of Your Chart Human Design Workshop Series With Tara
Bonus #3: The Iconic SOULTOUR Members-Only Whatsapp Group Community
Bonus #4: Sacred Money Archetypes Course — 6 Weeks to Dissolve Your Money Blocks and Crack Your Wealth Code
Bonus #5: Do Your Dream — Make massive progress on your #1 goal (anytime you want!) with our 21-Day Anti-Procrastination Program and Progress Sprint
Bonus #6: The Inner Critic Cure, featuring Tara’s Trance-Breaking Toolkit
Bonus #7: Say Goodbye to Self-Sabotage Workshop
Bonus #8: The Spiritual Economics 101 Master Class
Bonus #9: VIP Access to all Live Challenges
Bonus #10: Tara’s Weekly Member Love Notes — Private Video Podcast with Transparent BTS
Bonus #11: Set yourself up for success with our New Student Orientation
Join LSM and Begin Your Journey Today With a Special Offer
Get Monthly Membership to

  • RECLAIM — The 90-Day Onramp of Self-Care, Self-Discovery and Foundations
  • The Daily Ritual, 6 days a week of daily rituals containing meditation and writing prompt audios, so you can start every day with a guided, grounding Inner Retreat
  • Quarterly Self Mastery Calendar of Focus — so you can systematically focus on implementing the Tara Kirke Method in every area of your life
  • Tara’s LIVE Monthly State of the Soul Sermon
  • Bonus #1: Momentum Mondays — Weekly Zoom Group Coaching Calls and Guided 12 Week Action Sprints on Your Goals, with Master Accountability Coach (and Tara’s Business Bestie) Kysha Mitchell
  • Bonus #2: The Parts of Your Chart Human Design Workshop Series With Tara
  • Bonus #3: The Iconic SOULTOUR Members-Only Whatsapp Group Community
  • Bonus #4: Sacred Money Archetypes Course — 6 Weeks to Dissolve Your Money Blocks and Crack Your Wealth Code
  • Bonus #5: Do Your Dream — Make massive progress on your #1 goal (anytime you want!) with our 21-Day Anti-Procrastination Program and Progress Sprint
  • Bonus #6: The Inner Critic Cure, featuring Tara’s Trance-Breaking Toolki
  • Bonus #7: Say Goodbye to Self-Sabotage Workshop
  • Bonus #8: The Spiritual Economics 101 Master Class
  • Bonus #9: VIP Access to all Live Challenges
  • Bonus #10: Tara’s Weekly Member Love Notes — Private Video Podcast with Transparent BTS
  • Bonus #11: Set yourself up for success with our New Student Orientation
$1997 for a year
$197 per month
No, thanks. I already have the life and wealth I want.