This Masterclass has ended

How to Transform Your Inner Critic (for smart, successful people) Masterclass Will be airing LIVE on Sunday 14th March at 11AM PST

Introducing the Inner Critic Cure™

Helping thousands of smart, successful people break free from fear, self-doubt and self-sabotage since 2017… so their lives can take off!

My name is Tara-Nicholle Nelson and I’m The Inner Critic Coach™.

Over the last decade, I’ve dedicated my life to help people like you free themselves from their Inner Critic.

In that time, I’ve identified the 7 repetitive thought habits of your Inner Critic, and built a toolbox of powerful techniques and step-by-step methods to help anyone transform their Inner Critic and take back control over their life.

In the last 3 years, I’ve helped over 50,000 people stop doubting themselves and start living their dreams, helping them nurture and grow every area of their lives.

These powerful tools helped them rewire their negative self-talk at a level so deep they could literally feel the difference in their being.

They think differently. They speak differently. They act differently.

Other people treat them differently. They’re bolder now. Clearer-minded. Confident. Shiny and new.

No more perfectionism. No more hiding. No more holding back.

Dozens have jumped from soul-killing corporate jobs into beautiful businesses of their own. Serving people they want to serve, and helping those they care about helping.

Aparna Majmudar

Prior to the School, I had a regular meditation practice for about a year, and I was consuming A LOT of spiritual and personal development books.The challenge was that I wasn't able to integrate the concepts and ideas that I was learning into my everyday life. As a result of being in the School, I think differently, I speak differently, I act differently. I feel more at home, more welcome in myself. My career and creativity have both had huge upsurges and movement in the direction I want. I also have a much greater sense of inner well-being and trust in the universe. I've also been able to apply this to my husband (most of the time) and our interactions are lighter, more playful! This person that I'm becoming is freer, lighter, and more unapologetic, and inspired, and happier. Honestly, I give thanks to Tara and The School of Spiritual Strategy™ for helping me find her.

Aparna Majmudhar
jessica (1)

When I approached Tara, I thought I needed pointers on how to speak to big audiences and how to lead key meetings. What I got was much deeper and more effective. Leadership begins with knowing yourself, seeing your strengths for what they are, seeing your blindspots, accepting it all and committing to bringing a fullness to each professional day. Tara's unique methods for tapping into these things and making them a natural part of me have propelled me miles ahead of where I was at this time a year ago.

Jessica Swesey
Jim Carlson_PHOTO CREDIT Carter Gilbert Photography

The daily nature of the process reinforces incremental progress. I was stuck in a self-induced rut. I'd started meditating and writing daily, but The School gave me direction that I find meaningful. Anyone can read a book (and this would make a great book), but it is the daily practice and awareness that reinforces the principles. Ass in chair, do the work. Trust the process.

Jim Carlson
prime woman

After 30 days of working with me:

70% of my students say they are more likely to take action on their ideas

72% say they hear the voice of their Inner Wisdom more loudly than before

92% say they love themselves more than they ever have before and

100% say they are more consistent than ever with their self-care practices

That’s what happens when you reclaim control over your thoughts and transform your Inner Critic.

You show up to the world as YOU. And that’s the greatest gift of all.

About The Inner Critic Cure™

100% online, self-paced & easy to stick with

Results focussed and easy to follow

Noticeable changes within as little as 5 days

A place to earn and grow with others on a similar journey

At a glance...

100% online, self-paced & easy to stick with

Real awakening, accountability and results

Astonishing changes in just a few days

Connection with other spiritual badasses who ‘get it’

1-on-1 help from Tara herself

What others say about

The Inner Critic Cure™


I was looking for ritual and for a better connection to spirituality. I didn’t have a regular practice and I was taking a sabbatical from my intense corporate role to figure out what I wanted to do next. I knew I needed to use the time differently but I wasn’t sure were to start and I was scared of having all this unstructured time. You daily program gave me a way to structure my transition and the resources you brought me were invaluable. I changed my whole life and shifted who I am as a person in less that 6 months in big part due to my daily practice. You made spirituality and groundedness accessible to someone like me. I had tried lots of things, retreats, workshops, shaman, spiritual healers but I was missing the how not the what. You gave me the how. You showed me how to sit and just start a practice. I have created the life I wanted. I shifted my whole life. My career, where I live, started a new business, sold a book, everything but my husband. You helped make spirituality accessible to me. You taught me how to sit in silence. You helped me overcome efforting. You helped me with a new language. You helped me start to journal and I sold my book to a big house for a huge advance.

Deepa Purushothaman
Olivia Bethea

The School has been a great blessing to me. For me it has been the right program at the right time. Certain lessons arrive just when I’m dealing with a directly applicable issue. I see the replay answering my class question right when I’m dealing with the issue I asked about. This is my 3rd online personal development class and is by far the most content rich — like it’s not even close. What I love most is the daily reiteration of hope, of possibility, of positivity. We reframe things through a positive and hopeful lens. I recommend the school for anyone who needs help reframing, refocusing negative thinking, limiting beliefs, any type of scarcity stories that you need to rework and upgrade.

Olivia Bethea
Cassandra Eckwert

I feel as if this huge mental block has dissolved — it's that powerful of an awakening. In the last three days, I've managed to brainstorm 123 quality blog post topics for my biz in a half hour, which has since grown to 160+ as the ideas just keep flowing every time I think about it. I've also managed to start and finish 3 of those blog post topics in less than 24 hours for a grand total of 3,467 words between them. Basically, my blog is planned and in motion for the rest of 2017 and into 2018. This is a huge accomplishment that I put directly to the credit of this program as I was previously struggling to plan even the next day's post.

Cassandra Ewert
Sheila Roby

I start and end my day on high notes yet without always being on edge. I have become more present and involved in my life. The School has helped me gain calm and clarity while learning to love and allow graceful transformation to occur in my life. I have become more present and involved in my life. I have learned practices that help me start and end my day on high notes yet without always being on edge. I am seeing my words come alive and drama diminish. It has helped me to understand what was going on with me inside.

Sheila Roby
Meredith Vaish

Probably my most valuable resource that I will not part with. I decided to quit my job that I had for 16 years. I decided that I was tired of feeling tired. I had been part of Tara's writing challenges and courses for a couple of years. All my interactions with her work were really inspiring and provocative and growth-building. I felt like, boy, if I'm going to jump off into this huge abyss called my next self, I really want the energy of Tara there with me, partnering and bringing me along. So, it was a leap of faith. It was more money than I certainly could afford since I had just quit my job, but The School of Spiritual Strategy™ is probably my most valuable resource that I will not part with.

Meredith Vaish
Eric Barnes

I can be my own worst critic, beating myself up over small “failures” but I’ve learned (and am still learning) to push past this and celebrate the small wins while embracing the process. Do Your Dream has helped me literally stop negative self talk in its tracks. The mental clutter that I struggled with a lot before has cleared up tremendously and for that I'm extremely grateful! It was really empowering to start a book I've had brewing in me for 20 years. I actually think I have something meaningful to say, and this was a safe place to explore that. I am grateful

Eric Barnes
Portrait of Emma McKay

I made some big steps in terms of implementing a daily practice and rituals. I applied for and was accepted into a training program that has been calling me for a while now. I am rewriting the stories I tell about myself, and redefining my boundaries with family and coworkers to make more space for joy, freedom and growth for all of us. I really am rewiring my brain! I got a lot out of this process -- what I was hoping for, and more.

Emma McKay
Santosha Padfield

These practices are helping me to create the life I want. This program is everything. I am so grateful for Tara creating it. Every day I get something new. I am developing consistent practices and these practices are helping me to create the life I want.

Santosha Padfield
Dequiana Jackson

Personally, I have been having more fun and professionally, I am finishing projects I put on the back burner a while ago. The School is a comprehensive, self-care program where we learn to release limiting beliefs, rediscover yourself and walk in purpose. I love this, especially the joy I feel for me. So happy this space was created for us. 🤗

Dequiana Jackson

How We’ll Transform Your Inner Critic

There are 12 toxic thought habits of your Inner Critic.

These thought habits run like clockwork in your mind. And although these thoughts feel real, they’re not true.

They’re just thoughts that you’ve been practicing for a really long time. 

The Inner Critic Cure is a program designed to rewire your self-doubt and fears and replace them with new, empowering thoughts.

Through a series of step-by-step techniques and tools, we’ll completely override your Inner Critic so you can live a happy, free life.

I teach you this toolkit in three stages that I like to call: protocols.

Stage 1

The Recalibration Protocol

First, we have to recalibrate your relationship with yourself and upgrade your automatic thought habits.

In this first stage, I help you to reveal and recognize “the trance of your Inner Critic”.

You’ll begin to see these thoughts for what they are; unnecessary, negative and toxic, so you can take back control of your life.

Stage 2

The Self-Actualization Protocol

Once the trance is broken, we’ll look at who you really are when you’re no longer under the influence of your Inner Critic thoughts.

Stage 3

The Alignment Protocol

And finally, once you know who you really are and what you want to do with your wild and precious life, the last tool in the Inner Critic Cure toolkit will help you get your life into alignment with your true self.

The Inner Critic Cure™

Course Breakdown


Bonus #1

1-on-1 help from Tara herself with LIVE classes and group coaching calls

(value $3,600)

Including ‘Hot Seat’ sessions where Tara works 1:1 with members on topics such as; Inner Critic + Writer’s Block, Inner Critic + Money Blocks, Inner Critic + Self-Expression and more.

Bonus #2

LIVE classes, rituals and group coaching sessions for timely, relevant tools

(value $1,997)

Get advice, motivation or simply get your questions answered by Tara in real-time via SMS, email or the Inner Critic Cure App.

Bonus #3

Guided 40 day negativity cleanse and mindset reset​

(value $997)

Receive messages of encouragement, advice and more via SMS, email and the Inner Critic Cure App to help keep you focussed, positive and on-track.

Bonus #4

Advanced modules for subtle, tricky Inner Critic issues​

(value $2,997)

Advanced modules for trickier topics, including a deep dive on how to set goals and accomplish them, struggle-free! ​

Bonus #5

Access to advanced reading lists and archived Spiritual Strategy​

(value $1,200)

Advanced reading given at the end of each in-depth session to help you to heal spiritually.

Total bonus value = $10,791

But for the next few days, you can get your hands on the whole Inner Critic course, all the bonuses and more for just $997.

After just 90 days from The Inner Critic Cure™ Programme you will:

Start doing things your Inner Critic has never let you do before, from a place of inner peace

Be lavishing yourself with regular self-care, radical self-acceptance, self-compassion and self-liberation

Be clearer than ever on who you really are and why you’re really here

Have tools in your toolbox for working with your personal anxious or avoidant attachment style

Begin to wake up from the trances of fear, scarcity, unworthiness and free yourself from mistakes of the past

Feel like your life is falling into alignment with who you really are

See how your Inner Critic limits your income and your love life, and put a stop to that once and for all

Start bringing more of your true self to your work

Set down old baggage and reversing the self-hostility of your inner voice

Unlock and leverage your long-hidden, unique spirit, personality and brilliance

Learn how to speak up, promote yourself, say what you mean and ask for what you need in any situation without fear, shame or discomfort

Rebuild your self-worth on solid foundations that resonate for you, not on other people’s opinions or values

Commitment Guarantee

Due to the nature of this program, we do not offer any refunds. This program offers a ‘no way out guarantee’. Why? The reason is actually pretty simple. This journey is going to be challenging. No doubt about it.Because that’s what happens when you want change. And if it was easy, everyone would do it, right? And you know what we as humans start to look at when things are challenging? An easy way out. A refund. To something that lets us say “well, at least I tried”. And you know who’s telling you that, right? You guessed it, your Inner Critic. So we don’t offer any refunds. Because what’s the best way to take the island? Burn the boats. And that’s the only way to make it happen. So if you can’t commit to making a change to finally start living the life you want, then I bid you farewell. Because the Inner Critic Cure isn’t the place for you.

Take Charge of Your Life Today​

The Inner Critic Cure™ early bird offer:


Bonus #1

Access to 1-on-1 help from Tara herself for your individual scenarios with LIVE hot seat coaching sessions - ideal for when things get tough

(value $3,600)

Including ‘Hot Seat’ sessions where Tara works 1:1 with members on topics such as; Inner Critic + Writer’s Block, Inner Critic + Money Blocks, Inner Critic + Self-Expression and more.

Bonus #2

LIVE classes, rituals and group coaching sessions for timely, relevant tools

(value $1,997)

Get advice, motivation or simply get your questions answered by Tara in real-time via SMS, email or the Inner Critic Cure App.

Bonus #3

Guided 40 day negativity cleanse and mindset reset​

(value $997)

Receive messages of encouragement, advice and more via SMS, email and the Inner Critic Cure App to help keep you focussed, positive and on-track.

Bonus #4

Advanced modules for subtle, tricky Inner Critic issues​

(value $2,997)

Advanced modules for trickier topics, including a deep dive on how to set goals and accomplish them, struggle-free! ​

Bonus #5

Access to advanced reading lists and archived Spiritual Strategy​

(value $1,200)

Advanced reading given at the end of each in-depth session to help you to heal spiritually.

Total bonus value = $10,791

But for the next few days, you can get your hands on the whole Inner Critic course, all the bonuses and more for just $997

Your Investment

Single Payment

One-Time Payment



Payment Plan

3 monthly payments of




The program is entirely online and 100% self-paced. Though you may choose to take it as a 90-day intensive if a deep dive is your jam. The track you choose impacts how much time you need to put in.

People generally spend anywhere from 15 minutes a day to 2 hours per week, depending on how much time they have and how intensively they want to move through the programme.

You can do anything for 15 minutes a day. But if you’re worried you’re too busy, I’ll show you how to free up some time to do this inner work so you can get your sovereignty back.

The content of this program is deeply spiritual, but it is not a religious program per se. I have worked through this material with Buddhists, Jews, Bahais, Christians, Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs and many other people who are atheists, agnostics and spiritual but not religious at all. The spiritual technologies and concepts we work with in this program will work with any higher power of your choosing, even if your favorite higher power is love, truth or justice. That said: If me saying the word “God” “Divine” “Source” or “Spirit” will turn you off, this is not the right program for you.

If this concern is coming up for you, that means your Inner Critic is trembling in its boots, fighting to stay alive. It’s a symptom of Inner Critic thinking to describe yourself as “addicted” to personal growth. Addictions are toxic, dysfunctional and unstoppable, even when you know they are harming you. What you’re describing is having a growth mindset, being a lifelong learner, having a beginner’s mind, and being joyfully committed to personal growth. I can’t think of a better use of your time and money than becoming an even more joyful and fulfilled human!

That deserves credit, not criticism.

Personally, I’m almost always enrolled in 2-3 courses or working with more than one coach at a time on different subjects. That’s just what a life of continuous growth looks like!

And with prompts, reminders, nudges and tools from me and my team via SMS, email and the app, a community of others on a similar journey to you, LIVE classes and group coaching with me and others who are where you want to be – there’s no reason you can’t finish this programme and get the result you’re after.

People tell us that they get more out of the first 7, fifteen-minute lessons of this program than they’ve gotten from years in other programs. Don’t let your Inner Critic convince you that you’re failing if you don’t watch every minute of every video. Some of the most transformational books I’ve ever read are books where I only got to chapter 3 before I started making major changes in my life. Whether you “finish” the materials on some arbitrary timeline or not, you can trust that you’ll get exactly what you need out of the Inner Critic Cure if you put the work in. For maximum flexibility, you can choose your own track and pace through this program and work through the materials at your own pace, over a year. Or, for maximum structure, you can take it as a 90-day intensive if you want to move fast, or you can opt into an Accountability Group, included in your enrollment fee.

When I, Tara, first began to do my Inner Critic work, I tripled my income one year. Then I tripled it again, the next.

That’s because your Inner Critic is the #1 limitation on your income and success. Transforming your Inner Critic is the single most powerful thing you can do to shatter that invisible glass ceiling on your success.

The advanced modules in the Inner Critic Cure contain some specific business and money breakthrough tools, but every single tool and lesson you learn in this program will help remove the upper limits on your success and abundance, even the tools that don’t seem like they are technically about money or work.

As I’ve continued on this journey, the Inner Critic no longer plays like a tape in my head. But I joke that every time I add a couple of zeroes to my income, I hit a new layer of Inner Critic resistance.

If you’re advanced in your spiritual and personal growth journey, but you’re still trying to get your business or career in alignment, your Inner Critic might be sneakily placing an upper limit on your success and your capacity to create a whole life that aligns to your sacred inner self.

As a lifelong learner, you’ll devour the Inner Critic toolkit material, and the Advanced Modules will blow your mind.

The work you will do in this program will multiply the results of any program you take before, during or after it. And yes: It’s totally counter-culture, so if your previous programs were based on burnout culture values like self-shaming, hard hustle or “productivity hacks”, it will cancel that programming out. But the ultimate life and business improvement results you hoped to gain from your other programs will be better achieved and multiplied by what you learn here.
Your Inner Critic is the voice of “someday”, never “today”, and it will tell you to put this off in a desperate effort to stay in control of your life. Don’t let that happen. If you do nothing else but the Recalibration Rituals in this program, you will tap into a major well of inner resources, energy and resilience to face anything the world throws at you. And the day will never come when it seems like a great time to dive deep, get uncomfortable and do this inner work! The truth is that every season of crisis is a portal for transformation. So use this season of reset to do the inner work you’ve needed to do for years. I promise you this: You are ready to outgrow your Inner Critic and all of the limitations it has placed on your life and your joy. It’s time to get your life back. Now, not later.
No. If you want to transform your Inner Critic and you’re comfortable in a community with many anti-racist, counter-culture, patriarchy-rejecting women, you’re welcome here, whatever your gender identity happens to be.
We hold live sessions on weekdays, weekends, and various times of day to accommodate people in different time zones. Even if you’re never able to attend live, you’ll always have the chance to submit your question in advance, and we’ll send you the video, audio and transcript of every session.