With a Ruminating Inner Critic, you tend to be very fixated on the past...
Maybe you regret a big mistake you made when you were younger, and are determined not to repeat it. You often reflect on what you could have done differently so you can be in a different place in life.
And when things are going well, you find yourself waiting for the other shoe to drop.
On the other hand, others can rely on you to keep your word — because you’ll do it, even when it's painful. Your dependability is a strong character trait.
Many people don’t take the time to assess why something didn’t go their way- you, however, have great potential to learn from the past and harness it to get what you want out of life, as long as you learn and move forward with it without fixating and stagnating in it.
You have an Ruminating Inner Critic if:
Your Ruminating Inner Critic may show itself most clearly in these areas of your life:
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