Your Negating Inner Critic urges you to stop desiring what you really want, because deep down, you don't believe that it’s available to you. In your mind, your possibilities are always limited.

You’re wise and stable. It’s admirable how you want to be so realistic and focus on what you have in front of you, right now — there certainly is plenty in your life to be thankful for...

However, when it comes to taking a risk or putting yourself out there, your default inner reaction is to come up with reasons why you shouldn’t even try. And that’s taking it too far!

You might feel like you’ve been saying “no” to yourself your whole life.

This world is crazy and the struggle is real. Especially given the state of the world, it can be difficult to totally relax.

You have an Negating Inner Critic if:

  • You don’t ‘dream big’ because somewhere along the line you started believing you didn’t deserve it — this may stem from childhood.
  • Your Inner Critic is one of the most challenging to transform, because it so often stops you from even identifying what you really want or recognizing that beautiful, expansive opportunities are available to you… when they really, truly are. 
  • You always have a reason why you shouldn’t want something- a bigger house is too hard to maintain; a higher paying job will be too stressful and demanding.
  • You tend to settle for less than you deserve
  • You limit yourself and the possibilities of the world because you don’t dare think too big. 
  • You just keep yourself from even fully wanting what you want, telling yourself you should just be grateful you have the life you do. 
  • You love and honor your family or community, and you know that their struggle was real. You would never want to outshine or leave them behind
  • You might have heard your parents talking negatively about bosses, work, wealthy people or nonconformists your whole childhood, and have been conditioned to believe that creative or even successful roles were unsavory.
You’re here to learn: You are worthy of the very best in life. All of it. It is your Divine Birthright… more than you can even imagine. 

What happens when you bring 100% of yourself to the world: You are unique and have many gifts you can bring forth into the world.  Once you realize that those feelings of not fitting in are because of your uniqueness, and you start to allow yourself to value them, you will remove limitations and soar. Your creativity and world view can help so many others reach their full potential and overcome their own self limitations.

Your Inner Critic says: “Stop thinking big.  You’re being unrealistic.  You’re just going to create deep dissatisfaction when it doesn’t pan out.”

Your Wise Inner Being Says: “You deserve whatever you want.  No matter how great, outrageous, or unusual. It is your birthright to pursue, and achieve, the greatness that is unique to your being.”

Your Sacred Contract: Your life will rapidly start to upgrade, as you allow yourself to want more, to believe you are worthy of more and to allow abundance to start flowing to you. First an abundance of inspiration, and soon… an abundance of manifested, beautiful, elevated things.
Things your Inner Critic says:
“Who do you think you are to even want that? That’s a crazy goal.”

“Just wait… the other shoe is about to drop.”

“Don’t say that. Don’t wear that. Don’t dance. Don’t sing. You’ll look stupid.”

“You don’t have what it takes.”

“You haven’t done anything to deserve that- so you can let that dream go right now.”


  • Clever, quick wit
  • Highly intelligent
  • Great sense of humor
  • Self-sufficient

  • Negative thinking
  • Magnet for other “Eyeores”
  • Self-fulfilling prophecies
  • Shortsighted
Awaken To:   Self-sabotage    Small Dreams    Close-mindedness
Align To:  Creativity   Abundance    Uniqueness

Your Negating Inner Critic may show itself most clearly in these areas of your life:

Family & Childhood: As a child, you may have been repeatedly, consistently refused or disapproved of when you acted “weird” or “inappropriately”. You may have reached out for something and been disappointed, as a kid, maybe in a traumatic way. 

Alternatively your family may have been loving to you, but prioritized appearances over true joy or believed non-conforming, creative out-of-the-box careers or even financial abundance were not for “people like us”. You might even have overheard your parents talking negatively about bosses, work, wealthy people or nonconformists your whole childhood, as though that was the absolute worst thing someone could ever be.

You love and honor your family or community, and you know that their struggle was real. You would never want to outshine or leave them behind. So you keep yourself and your life way smaller than your talents and abilities really warrant. And you just keep yourself from even fully wanting what you want, telling yourself you should just be grateful you have the life you do. 

Love & Relationships: You’re often thought of as a naysayer. You struggle in your relationships because you’re constantly comparing yourself to everyone else. You often wonder whether you’re “normal,” or whether, for example, your child is “normal.” You see people doing things differently and can assume that that means they're doing it correctly, and you’re not.

When you think about dating and finding love, your immediate next thought is about how old, boring, and unenlightened all the prospects on the dating market are. Or you might not put yourself out there for fear of rejection, or you’ve told yourself there isn’t anyone out there for you.  You may settle for a partner that doesn’t light you on fire, because your inner ‘realist’ which is actually a bit of a pessimist, has convinced you that you don’t need romance or a fiery relationship. “This will do just fine, I guess.”

Work & Money: Sometimes you see other people pursuing goals similar to yours and wonder, "Who does she think she is?" Your career (and life) goals would benefit from you being more active on social media, but you don’t want to be an annoying self-promoter like so many of your colleagues. At the end of the day, you’d rather play it safe and stay on the B+ level in your industry than move up to the A-list. You’re perfectly capable, but will often be unremarkable in work situations, because you don’t desire to stand out and be front and center. You don’t want a lot of attention or responsibility.

Creativity, Passion & Purpose: You’d rather play it safe and not hope for too much. After all, very few people ever “make it.” You have dreams, but deep down you believe no one will want to read what you’re writing or buy what you’re selling. You believe people get in trouble when they stop being realistic and take unnecessary risks. Even when you do achieve your goals or dreams, you often think about what you did wrong along the way — or could have done better to get an even better result.
 Learn more about all the Inner Critic Types
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Your Liberation Declaration (Mantra):
I serve my community best when I allow my gifts to shine, my desires to manifest, and my world to expand. 
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