Your Driving-Perfecting Inner Critic insists that you try to avoid unwanted feelings and situations by being absolutely perfect, or as close to it as you can.
The way you can already see your vision for your life is inspiring. You want to make the most of your time — and make the most of your life.
Unfortunately, the thought of how long it would take to achieve it all feels very stressful.
You believe you must accomplish as much as you can as quickly as possible. Your eye is always on the clock and the calendar as you track your time.
You also place a lot of value on numbers — your age, income, weight, and more. Even though you’re already reasonably fit, you set unsustainable weight, diet, and fitness goals for yourself.
You may have a very high title at a corporate job, and you have incredible polish and impeccable credentials. You may have multiple degrees or certifications, and you’ve thought your career path through in detail.
You’re definitely a perfectionist. Other people may have even described you as a machine or robotic in your polish and perfection.
You may have suffered from duck syndrome: where you’re paddling furiously to stay afloat, but above the surface you look serene, calm, and in control.
You may have a Driving-Perfecting Critic if:
Your Driving-Perfecting Inner Critic may show itself most clearly in these areas of your life:
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