Your Delaying-Diminishing Inner Critic keeps you focused on avoiding risk and procrastinating, putting things off until you feel like everything is in order. It constantly tells you to wait until “someday”, but someday never comes.
You have beautiful, soulful ideas about projects, creations and movements that would be meaningful and deeply transformational.
But you've been holding your breath until you think you’re ready to put yourself out there. You fear feeling vulnerable or being exposed as not truly qualified. Imposter syndrome is a very familiar feeling to you.
So you perpetually press ‘pause’ on your own passions, dreams, and goals to make the fear go away.
Your Inner Critic tells the story that you’re just waiting to make your big move until you’ve lost weight, your children are grown, or until you’ve saved up “enough” money.
You have an Delaying-Diminishing Inner Critic if:
Your Delaying-Diminishing Inner Critic may show itself most clearly in these areas of your life:
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