Introducing the Inner Critic Cure™
Helping thousands of smart, successful people break free from fear, self-doubt and self-sabotage since 2017… so their lives can take off!
My name is Tara-Nicholle Nelson and I’m The Inner Critic Coach™.
Over the last decade, I’ve dedicated my life to help people like you free themselves from their Inner Critic.
In that time, I’ve identified the 7 repetitive thought habits of your Inner Critic, and built a toolbox of powerful techniques and step-by-step methods to help anyone transform their Inner Critic and take back control over their life.

In the last 3 years, I’ve helped over 50,000 people stop doubting themselves and start living their dreams, helping them nurture and grow every area of their lives.
These powerful tools helped them rewire their negative self-talk at a level so deep they could literally feel the difference in their being.
They think differently. They speak differently. They act differently.
Other people treat them differently. They’re bolder now. Clearer-minded. Confident. Shiny and new.
No more perfectionism. No more hiding. No more holding back.