Introducing Master Business Breakthrough Coach and Founder of SoulTour

Tara-Nicholle Kirke

and Her Flagship Method for Creating a Highly Aligned, Highly Profitable Business:

The Magical Method You Need To Build A Low-Stress, High-Income, Life-Changing Business You Love


Empires Tara Helped Build:


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Introducing Master Business Breakthrough Coach and Founder of SoulTour, Tara-Nicholle Kirke and Her
Flagship Method for Creating a Highly Aligned, Highly Profitable Business:

Empire of the Soul:
The Magical Method You Need To Build A Low-Stress, High-Income, Life-Changing Business You Love


Empires Tara Helped Build:


Download the Digital Book for $120 just $4.97.

Plus 11 FREE Bonuses valued at over $7000!

Access instantly. Start reading in just 2 minutes.

Does your business feel too small and too struggly
(compared to the greatness you have within)?

If you answered YES, keep reading.

Does it feel like you’re not fulfilling your potential—like you’re not playing the big game you’re destined to play?

Maybe your offers or launches don’t land consistently. Or your business feels feast-or-famine.

From the outside looking in, you seem successful. But deep inside, if you were really honest, you know you’re still holding yourself back for some reason.

Your business does well. But you can’t shake the feeling that it’s destined for more.

You can’t shake the feeling that YOU’RE destined for more.

Sometimes you think if you could just find the perfect marketing strategy or be more consistent with your marketing… everything would finally fall into place.

But here’s the truth (and this might surprise you): If you have a transformational business that feels smaller and struggly-er than you want it to be, there are only 3 reasons why you haven’t built the Empire of Your Soul (yet):

1. WHAT you’re building is not in alignment with who you are

2. HOW you’re building it is not in alignment with who you are

3. Or you keep hitting your UPPER LIMITS and can’t seem to break the cycle.

Now if you look closely, there’s a single, golden thread that ties these limiting factors together—and it has NOTHING to do with your business at all. 


I’ll let you in on a little secret: 

The truth is, you may think you have a procrastination problem, a clarity problem, a consistency problem, or a marketing problem…

But what you actually have is an ALIGNMENT problem.

And an alignment problem is not just a business issue—it’s a life mastery issue, a self-mastery issue and a money mastery issue before business mastery can even have a shot.

To be clear—I’m not talking about “self-mastery” in some vague, broad, “love and light” sense. I’m talking Mastery in the Empire-building sense. 

Because for every entrepreneur who will ever build the Empire of their Soul, this entire logjam of inner and outer misalignments can be traced to a single root cause: I call it your Core Trance.

And this Core Trance is the thought habit you’ve been thinking for so long that you don’t even realize the effect it’s having on your business. 

THAT is why your business feels struggly.

THAT is why, no matter how hard you try to make things work, it ALWAYS feels like you have one foot on the gas and the other on the brake.

Because your Core Trance (of Fear, Scarcity, Unworthiness or Trauma) is running the show.

And it’s stopping you from shifting into the Alignment First Paradigm—here’s the paradigm shift you must make:

Whatever you were taught SUCCESS is… is wrong. 

(Especially if it’s a number.)

Revenue? Money in the bank? 

Performing a certain achievement or producing a certain dollar amount by a certain age? 

That is not success. 

TRUE Success involves three things… and three things only:

1. You know your True, Sacred Self —

2. You love your True Self, and

3. You create a whole life that is radically congruent with your True, Sacred Self.

When you do this, THAT’S when you’re able to shift into Alignment.

This Alignment-First Principle is what helped me build THREE 7-figure businesses. 

This principle is the basis of the framework that helped 12 of my clients make over $1 million each!

And that this is exactly what you have the opportunity to learn today.

Now, because you’re reading this, chances are good that the life you were born to live includes 

A low-stress, high-income business — I call that the Empire of Your Soul™.

So if you’ve been waiting for a sign that it’s time for you to line up to the Big Things you’ve always known you’re destined for—I’m talking about big money, big love, being your big self and living out your biggest dreams — THIS IS YOUR SIGN.

Ready to create the Empire of Your Soul™?

I invite you to join us and start building the Empire you were born to build… today.


I’ll let you in on a little secret: 

The truth is, you may think you have a procrastination problem, a clarity problem, a consistency problem, or a marketing problem…

But what you actually have is an ALIGNMENT problem.

And an alignment problem is not just a business issue—it’s a life mastery issue, a self-mastery issue and a money mastery issue before business mastery can even have a shot.

To be clear—I’m not talking about “self-mastery” in some vague, broad, “love and light” sense. I’m talking Mastery in the Empire-building sense. 

Because for every entrepreneur who will ever build the Empire of their Soul, this entire logjam of inner and outer misalignments can be traced to a single root cause: I call it your Core Trance.

And this Core Trance is the thought habit you’ve been thinking for so long that you don’t even realize the effect it’s having on your business. 

THAT is why your business feels struggly. 

THAT is why, no matter how hard you try to make things work, it ALWAYS feels like you have one foot on the gas and the other on the brake.

Because your Core Trance (of Fear, Scarcity, Unworthiness or Trauma) is running the show.

And it’s stopping you from shifting into the Alignment First Paradigm—here’s the paradigm shift you must make:

Whatever you were taught SUCCESS is… is wrong. 

(Especially if it’s a number.)

Revenue? Money in the bank? 

Performing a certain achievement or producing a certain dollar amount by a certain age? 

That is not success. 

TRUE Success involves three things… and three things only:

1. You know your True, Sacred Self —

2. You love your True Self, and

3. You create a whole life that is radically congruent with your True, Sacred Self.

When you do this, THAT’S when you’re able to shift into Alignment.

This Alignment-First Principle is what helped me build THREE 7-figure businesses. 

This principle is the basis of the framework that helped 12 of my clients make over $1 million each!

And that this is exactly what you have the opportunity to learn today.

Now, because you’re reading this, chances are good that the life you were born to live includes a low-stress, high-income business — I call that the Empire of Your Soul.

So if you’ve been waiting for a sign that it’s time for you to line up to the Big Things you’ve always known you’re destined for—I’m talking about big money, big love, being your big self and living out your biggest dreams — THIS IS YOUR SIGN.

Ready to create the Empire of Your Soul?

I invite you to join us and start building the Empire you were born to build… today.


Empires of the Soul™

The Magical Method You Need To Build A Low-Stress, High-Income, Life-Changing Business You Love

In Empires of the Soul, you will discover how to create, validate and grow a million-dollar business that is in radical alignment to who you really are with my revolutionary and proven Self-Mastery Method: Recalibrate, Actualize and Align



In this stage, you wake up from your lifelong Core Trance, dissolve your money blocks and break the pull of the self-sabotage patterns that are keeping your business on the struggle bus. This is where I teach you how to surf the waves of your Resistance energy, instead of giving into your old patterns of retreating just on the brink of your breakthroughs. The Resistance stage upgrades your entire life into a radical, Alignment First Paradigm. From the moment you shift into this paradigm you start living a new, higher way of being I call Empire Energetics—building your Empire by leveraging the laws of Spiritual Economics and quantum mechanics (and not hard hustle or grind).



In this step, you crack your own Empire Code, and understand the full spectrum of Empire-building potentials in your Human Design Chart and your Sacred Money Archetypes. With your Empire Code and your callings in hand, we create a throughline from who you really are to who your Best Fit Customer is and the Dream Outcomes they would love to pay you to help create. This revolutionary approach to Best Fit Customer Clarity is the jumping off point for creating the three essential components of your own, unique (and uniquely transformational) Signature System: your framework, your success path and your unique mechanism, which ties it all together.



There’s an Engine in every Empire of the Soul—an Engine of profit and transformation. In the Alignment Step, we turn on your Engine by translating your Signature System into Aligned Assets that you build once and leverage for years thereafter to generate profit (for you) and transformation (for your customers). Use your Empire Code to select the proven Signature Marketing Asset models and proven Signature Offer Types that light you up, then integrate the proven with your iconic Signature System and that turns on the Engine that changes your customers’ lives… and your own.

When you follow these steps, your Empire of the Soul™ becomes inevitable. And every Empire of the Soul™ is built on these cornerstones:

Cornerstone #1

YOU as a thriving, Maverick Ruler who builds your Empire by leveraging what I call Empire Energetics—a very powerful toolkit of Universal laws, Self Mastery practices, daily rituals and quantum mechanics that dissolve your old self-sabotage patterns and heal your money blocks so you can turn your most inspired ideas into tangible reality through attraction, authenticity and alignment.

Cornerstone #1

YOU as a thriving, Maverick Ruler who builds your Empire by leveraging what I call Empire Energetics—a very powerful toolkit of Universal laws, Self Mastery practices, daily rituals and quantum mechanics that dissolve your old self-sabotage patterns and heal your money blocks so you can turn your most inspired ideas into tangible reality through attraction, authenticity and alignment.

Cornerstone #2

A deep understanding of the unique configuration of Empire-related energies at the
core of your True Self, including your Human Design, your Zone of Genius and your Sacred Archetypes and Contracts. (I call this your Empire Code).

Cornerstone #2

A deep understanding of the unique configuration of Empire-related energies at the core of your True Self, including your Human Design, your Zone of Genius and your Sacred Archetypes and Contracts. (I call this your Empire Code).

Cornerstone #3

The axis of every Empire of the Soul is a golden thread that connects your True, Sacred Self with your Best Fit Customer to the particular transformation you create and stand for in the marketplace. I call this golden thread your Signature System, and it’s the flywheel that powers…

Cornerstone #3

The axis of every Empire of the Soul is a golden thread that connects your True, Sacred Self with your Best Fit Customer to the particular transformation you create and stand for in the marketplace. I call this golden thread your Signature System, and it’s the flywheel that powers…

Cornerstone #4

An engine of profit and transformation—and like all engines (which reduce the human effort required to spark momentum), the engine at the hub of every Empire of the Soul is built on Signature Marketing Assets that transmit your depth, story and unique spirit to your Best Fit Customers and Signature Offers so transformational that people love to say YES to them.

Cornerstone #4

An engine of profit and transformation—and like all engines (which reduce the human effort required to spark momentum), the engine at the hub of every Empire of the Soul is built on Signature Marketing Assets that transmit your depth, story and unique spirit to your Best Fit Customers and Signature Offers so transformational that people love to say YES to them.


To help you kickstart that domino effect of progress and momentum in your business, I’ve organized everything you will learn based on the three stages of Recalibrate, Actualize and Align.

  • First, we’re going to do our own Great Recalibration. We will recalibrate your nervous system; your understanding of how Empires are really created; your money blocks and beliefs about what is possible for your business, your money and your life; and your Core Trances of fear, scarcity, unworthiness or trauma-rooted thoughts and stories, and self-sabotage patterns.

  • You will complete a series of diagnostics that will show you exactly how to proceed, and from there, I can give you specific, actionable guidance based on what would make the biggest difference for you right now.

  • You’ll also learn Empire Energetics—the Universal laws, quantum mechanics and daily rituals you can use to build your Empire without swinging a single hammer—and step squarely into the Alignment First Principle.
  • Next, I’ll show you why a very particular type of Self-Mastery (and NOT better marketing or more sales!) is the small hinge that swings open the big door to the Empire of Your Soul. At this stage, you’ll get clear on who you really are and why you’re really here at the True, Sacred Self level—so you can upgrade to a fresh, new vision for your Empire and your life.

  • Through this, we will co-create the cornerstones of your Empire by creating a Signature System: the golden thread that starts with who YOU really are and runs through who your Best Fit Customer is, that you have a sacred calling to serve.

  • And not only that, but this system holistically captures the unique transformational way you (and only you) can get them to their Dream Outcome.
  • In this last stage, I’ll help you graduate from Best Fit Customer clarity to creating what I call your M.O.R.E. Engine: a well-oiled engine of profit and transformation powered by Marketing, Offers, Revenue and Execution that continues the alignment throughline we started.

  • I’ll teach you exactly how to create a wildly magnetic Signature Marketing Hook; Signature Marketing Assets that will transmit your unique story; and Signature System with a depth that will call unto the depth within your Best Fit Customers.

  • I know you might not think it’s possible, but I’ll show you how to implement proven-profitable Signature Offers, by integrating your own unique genius and spirit, and make them so transformational that people feel divine saying YES.

Ready to learn the complete Tara Kirke Method™

Get your digital book in 2 minutes when you join me NOW! 

Here’s What’s Waiting For You Inside
empires of the soul™

This book and bundle were intentionally designed to guide you step-by-step through
my Tara Kirke Method™.

With powerful resources and tools in almost every chapter, you’ll be able to turn your insights into real-time action as you receive my spiritual download and apply the system to your own business and life.

Part 1: Why You’re Here

Chapter 1: Who This Book Is For

Chapter 2: Why The Next Empires Will Be Empires of The Soul (and The 7 Empire Epiphanies)

Chapter 3: Why Your Spiritual Alarm Clocks Are Ringing, and Why Now Is Your Time To Wake Up Chapter

Chapter 4: The 3 Reasons You Haven’t Built Your Empire… Yet Chapter

Chapter 5: The #1 Problem With Transformational Businesses

Part 2: The Tara Kirke Method™

Chapter 6: The Power of Radical Alignment

Chapter 7: Recalibrate—Reset Your Nervous System, Wake Up From The Trance of Fear and Dissolve Your Money Blocks.

Chapter 8: Actualize—Leverage Human Design To Unlock Your True Sacred Self and Upgrade Your Vision… Now That Fear Is No Longer Running the Show.

Chapter 9: Align—Build The Empire of Your Soul

Part 3: Creating Your Signature System

Chapter 11: Alignment Insurance—Use Human Design To Find Your Zone of Genius And Align Your Business To It 

Chapter 12: How to Get Clear On Who Your Best Fit Customer *Actually* Is

Chapter 13: Why You Need a Signature System and How To Uncover Yours

Chapter 14: How To Create Your Framework and Success Path

Part 4: Creating Your Signature Offer Sequence

Chapter 15: Why Premium Offers Create Better Results For Your Clients

Chapter 16: How to Make Offers So Transformational People Feel Divine Saying ‘Yes!’

Chapter 17: All The Guidance You Need: How To Create And Fulfill Your Offers In Alignment With Your Human Design Type

Part 5: The Business of Transformation

Chapter 18: Empowered Pricing: How to Charge A Premium Price For Your Transformational Offer… And Get It

Chapter 19: Podcasts, Platforms, Books and “Hooks”: Aligned Content, Marketing and Sales Strategies For Each Human Design Type

Chapter 20: Revenue and Execution: Expanding Your Capacity to Receive

Conclusion: What's Next?

Chapter 21: The Stages of An Empire—How to Create Your First $25k, $250k or $2.5 Million…With My Help

Chapter 22: How To Get Help

Chapter 23: About The Author

Meet Your Master Business Breakthrough Coach and Author of Empires of The Soul™, Tara-Nicholle Kirke

I’m Tara-Nicholle Kirke, MA, Esq.. the Founder and CEO of SoulTour—an integrated self-mastery coaching and business growth consulting firm.

As a former CMO of MyFitnessPal and Ten Percent Happier, I wrote THE book on transformational business. It’s called The Transformational Consumer: Fuel a Lifelong Love Affair with Your Customers by Helping Them Get Healthier, Wealthier and Wiser.

With my signature approach to building transformational business empires, I took MyFitnessPal from 45M to 120M customers in under 3 years and my first book has been received with raving reviews and five star rating on Amazon.

The sequel to The Transformational Consumer, Empires of the Soul is my fourth book and it provides a single, integrated, cohesive roadmap of the Self-Mastery (Spiritual) AND Business Mastery (Practical) Strategic actions you’ll need to create the Empire of Your Soul.

As the Founder and CEO of SoulTour, I have guided over 50,000 people through my Tara Kirke Method™ to stop hiding their light and holding themselves back with my proven Self-Mastery Method: Recalibrate, Actualize and Align.

SoulTour is the breeding ground for the next generation of Empires.

Together with my team, I’ve helped ambitious spiritual maximalists build the business empires they were born to build, so they can live the lives they were born to live.

Sometimes our work helps smart, successful, unfulfilled people stop building shadow careers and businesses they hate.

And sometimes our work helps transformational authors, leaders and entrepreneurs like you wake up from The Fear Program and stop holding yourself back, so your business can stop being smaller and struggly-er than it really wants to be.

If you’ve been waiting for a sign that it’s time for you to line up to the Big Things—Big Money, Big Love, Big Self and Big Dreams—this is your sign.

Let the Creation Begin.



Featured In:

Meet Your Master Business Breakthrough Coach and Author of empires of The soul, Tara-Nicholle Kirke

I’m Tara-Nicholle Kirke, MA, Esq. and the Founder and CEO of SoulTour—an integrated self-mastery coaching and business consulting practice.

As a former CMO of MyFitnessPal and Ten Percent Happier, I wrote a book on transformational business. It’s called The Transformational Consumer: Fuel a Lifelong Love Affair with Your Customers by Helping Them Get Healthier, Wealthier and Wiser.

With my approach to transformational businesses I took MyFitnessPal from 45M to 120M customers in under 3 years and my first book has been received with raving reviews and five star rating on Amazon.

Empires of the Soul is the sequel to my first book and it provides a single, integrated, cohesive roadmap of the Self-Mastery (Spiritual) AND Business Mastery (Practical) Strategic actions you’ll need to create the Empire of Your Soul.

As the Founder and CEO of SoulTour, I have guided over 50,000 people through my Tara Kirke Method™ to stop hiding their light and holding themselves back with my proven Self-Mastery Method: Recalibrate, Actualize and Align.

SoulTour is the breeding ground for the next generation of Empires.

Together with my team, I’ve helped ambitious spiritual maximalists build the business empires they were born to build, so they can live the lives they were born to live.

Sometimes our work helps smart, successful, unfulfilled people stop building shadow careers and businesses they hate.

And sometimes our work helps transformational authors, leaders and entrepreneurs like you wake up from The Fear Program and stop holding yourself back, so your business can stop being smaller and struggly-er than it really wants to be.

If you’ve been waiting for a sign that it’s time for you to line up to the Big Things—Big Money, Big Love, Big Self and Big Dreams—this is your sign.

Let the Creation Begin.



Featured in:


"Better than Tony Robbins"

“Way better than Tony Robbins AND Landmark Forum combined - and I’ve done both”

Jeanne T

"You helped me change the course of my life"

“Your program, you, helped me change the course of my life into launching my real dream company. Since I did, the growth, traction and effortless opportunities, connections and blessings are pouring into my life.”

Aparna Majmudar
“I more than tripled my pricing”

“Since working with Tara, magic has truly been happening in my life and business. I more than tripled my pricing for VIP and easily get $2500 for three hour sessions. I am so excited for the future with both the growth of my business and my family.”

Nic Frick

Discover the TARA KIRKE METHOD™ and
Create The Empire of Your Soul™ Today

Total Value: $7000

Yours today for: $4.97

When I started my SoulTour with you…

I was leaving my job. I was leaving everything I knew.  Giving up money and success to do something new.

Now, the fear is gone.  

You helped make spirituality accessible to me.  You taught me how to sit in silence.  You helped me overcome efforting. You helped give me a new language for my new life. 

You helped me start to journal and I sold my book to a big house for a huge advance.

Thank you.

Deepa Purushothaman

I’ve altered my work to be better aligned with the things that inspire and energize me.

I would never have guessed that the combination of Tara’s exercises, her daily prompts, and the circumstances of my life would create an unexpectedly profound metamorphosis. I’ve become a coach and a content creator, am writing my first book, and am working on developing an online course. I’m genuinely surprised at how much Tara has impacted my life in such a short time. I am profoundly grateful.

Tony Clemendor

Before working with Tara I was in full-on perfectionist mode.

Tara taught me about DIVINE TIMING and showed me how everything is always working out for me. 

Her guidance gave me the permission I needed to calm my inner critic and open to possibility. 

I joined Tara’s school at the beginning of my entrepreneurial journey because I knew I needed the support. 
Of course, the content was always spot on, but even more valuable was being connected to Tara’s expansive energy.

Meredith Vaish



“This book is like Human Design Business School from one of the most transformational entrepreneurs of our time.

Ophira Edut, One of the AstroTwins, Celebrity
Astrologers for Elle Magazine

Discover the TARA KIRKE METHOD™ and
Create The Empire of Your Soul™ Today

Total Value: $7000 Yours today for: $4.97


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